I am Angela “Angie” Newlin, an Illinois Licensed Professional Counselor. I hold valid school counseling licenses in Illinois and Indiana, and am licensed to counsel children Preschool-12th grade within a school setting. I am a graduate of Robinson High School. I hold degrees from Lincoln Trail College, Associate of Arts; Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and Indiana State University, Master of Science Degree in Education with a School Counseling Endorsement.
My experience working with children and adolescents began in 1999 as a Tutor at a children’s home in St. Louis, Missouri and as a Resident Counselor at a youth shelter in St. Charles, Missouri. I have worked as a Substitute Teacher, Teaching Assistant/Paraprofessional, Forensic Interviewer/Prevention Specialist at a Child Advocacy Center, and as a School District Counselor at Martinsville Schools serving students Preschool-12th grade, with over 20 years of experience working with children and adolescents. I am trained in the utilization of play-therapy and sand tray therapy. I am also a Certified Bereavement Facilitator utilizing The Grief Recovery Method, having worked as a Grief Facilitator for Crawford Memorial Foundation in Robinson through The Grief Relief program funded by The United Way, up until the time I became pregnant with my three children. I was also a stay-at-home mother for the first four formative years of my children’s lives. I currently reside in Crawford County and have for over 18 years with my husband and three children.
I am a member of The Illinois Counseling Association, Illinois School Counseling Association, American School Counseling Association, Crawford County L.I.F.E., and am a trained Mental Health Youth First Aid Instructor.
I consider myself to be an ecletic counselor, in that I utilize various counseling modalities in establishing a treatment plan that I feel is the best, agreed upon by the client and counselor based on the issue/es bringing one to counseling. A treatment plan can be changed or adapted to meet the needs and goals of the client at any time during treatment. While an initial counseling session may not “fix” an ongoing issue or an individual may not feel better after only one session, it is my attempt to provide a safe, supportive, confidential nurturing environment in which one can grow. Counseling is a process that takes several sessions in which to work on goals. It is my sincere hope and desire that we will work together to help to accomplish those goals. It is not my intent that one be in counseling indefinitely, but until goals are met, progress is made, and coping skills are learned to be in a better place to sustain life’s challenges.
While I, myself am a Christian, I believe in utilizing one’s own faith and spirituality in counseling. There are proven benefits to utilizing one’s spirituality in counseling and I would hope to maximize those benefits to receive the most optimal results possible from counseling for long-term growth. I welcome those of no faith or spiritual beliefs as well to counseling.